Technical Reports

Reinhard Bauer, Moritz Baum, Ignaz Rutter, and Dorothea Wagner
Post date: 25 October 2012
Proc. Atmos 2012, OASIcs, pp. 71-82
Julian Dibbelt, Thomas Pajor, Dorothea Wagner
Post date: 25 October 2012
This is the extended paper, submitted to the special issue of the ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics (JEA) dedicated to selected papers from ALENEX 2012
Georgia Mali, Panagiotis Michail, Andreas Paraskevopoulos, and Christos Zaroliagis
Post date: 2 October 2012
Dimitris Fotakis, Alexis C. Kaporis, Thanasis Lianeas, Paul G. Spirakis
Post date: 9 July 2012
Proc. SAGT 2012 LNCS 7615, pp. 156-167
Georgia Mali, Panagiotis Michail, Christos Zaroliagis
Post date: 9 July 2012
Dimitrios Gkortsilas, Christos Zaroliagis
Post date: 31 January 2012
Damianos Gavalas, Michael Kenteris, Charalampos Konstantopoulos and Grammati Pantziou
Post date: 19 January 2012
IET Software, 6(4), pp. 313-322
